he tigars . . . ecoutez s.v.p.He Tigars
It is troublesome to try to interpret your philosophies and find out that there is no substance to what you are saying!
It is not a playground here; people value their time.
Moine Danse = Monk's Dance?? Indeed! What is that supposed to mean?
If you persist in speaking cryptic French, I will try -- just this once -- to tell you what bothers me, in basic French. An English interpretation follows for the courtesy of English speaking posters on this board.
Here is a repeat of my earlier post:
"Je suis pantois! Si, vous comprenez l'englais . . .
"pour ce qui est de l'évidence mon grand ... lève les yeux et vois..."
Ce n'est pas assez, mon ami.
Peut-etre vous avez les mots sensibles a relayer a nous, mais SOLIDIFIER vos bon mots avec les quotations et les faits -- S.V.P.
Quand vos critiques n'ont pas croyable, nous regardez qui vous etes incroyable. Nous vous regardons peut-etre comme quelque chose d'un buffoun! Ce friction n'est pas necessaire.
En general, parle en l'englais s.v.p. Fait l'effort.
Utiliser un dictionaire francais-l'englais si vous dois.
La majorite de nous parlons l'englais.
Vos observations -- avec les faits -- ont peut-etre tres valuable parce-que vous etes en Quebec (je pense?) et proche a la scene Corporate.
Bienvenue, et merci.
Avec bon regard, ~ BC Castor
( a translation of my High School French message above )
I am speechless! So, you understand English . . .
"for whom is the evidence . . . open your eyes and take a look!"
That's not good enough, my friend.
Perhaps you have something sensible to say to us, but PLEASE solidify your witty comments with quotations and facts.
When your criticisms are not credible, you are not credible. We may look upon you as perhaps some kind of a clown. This friction is not necessary.
In general, please speak English. Make the effort.
Use a French-English dictionary if you must. The majority here are English speaking.
Your comments -- with the facts -- are perhaps very valuable because you are in Quebec ( I think? ) and close to the Corporate scene.
Welcome, and thank you.
Regards, ~ BC Beaver" aka le castor-C.B.