we havemore news coming about the vibro core sampling, more geophysical structure to support MORE diamondiferous entrapments ( i.e. more diamonds), we have other area companies extracting the worlds highest gem quality diamonds at the same depth, we have news coming about the vibro core samples themselves, we have news coming in a few months that the ship is complete, we have a bulk sampling program that will (hopefully) drastically increase our carats.
We have people willing to sell their shares at a loss at this time.
I could understand profit taking before, but to sell at a loss really makes no sense to me. Too much potential here.
Everyone has their reasons I am sure.
Still waiting for that bulk sampling. We will not need anyone to "pump" giving false rumours of pending news of 10Million carats imminent. This, IMO, is the only reason for the drop in price. People following others in this selling spree due to a false rumour on an increase in inferred reasource. This is what AFA is working towards with the bulk sampling. Why anyone would have thought that the next news releases would be about an increase in inferred resource is perplexing.