Eldorado seems confident...With a statement such as:
"The case involves the challenge of the EIA Report and, on the basis of the Company's confidence in both the methodology and integrity of the EIA Report, the Company anticipates that the decision should be positive to Eldorado."
"the Company remains confident that the integrity of the EIA Report and the impeccable operating record of the mine will result in a positive decision by the court and a successful reopening of the mine," commented Paul Wright,"
I think management feels strongly that the court will rule in its favour. So long as there is not fault with the EIA, they should be okay.
Official closure is supposed to start on August 20. The high court comes back in early September with an expected decision to be made within 2 months. From what I understand, the mine will operate at full production until August 20, so we have a possible 3 months shut down of production right now.
Lets see how this goes...