Overview of Skyharbour Resources Ltd
"Skyharbour Resources Ltd. has acquired over 21,000 acres (7 properties) in the heart of the Red Lake gold camp, home to the prolific Goldcorp Red Lake and Campbell gold mines. The deep high-grade zone of the Red Lake Mine continues to be one of the highest-grade deposits in the world, averaging more than 2.0 ounces of gold per ton."
Skyharbour Resources Ltd. is a gold and base metal exploration company developing projects in the RED LAKE and RAINY RIVER districts of northwestern Ontario, Canada.
Early recognition of the significance of the 1995 high-grade Red Lake gold discovery by Goldcorp (5 million oz) enabled Skyharbour's management to acquire strategically positioned land holdings, while land was still available. The Company holds various interests in 6 properties totaling 21,000+ acres located in the heart of the Red Lake gold camp.
Investment Highlights
* The Red Lake Area is one of the most prolific gold regions in the world. The area hosts several gold mines, where the combined production and remaining proven resources are more than 30 million ounces of gold.
* The company's Baird Gold Property lies within the highly prospective Balmer Assemblage volcanic rocks and exhibits structural and alteration systems typical of the Goldcorp Red Lake and Placer Dome Campbell mines. Drilling in the 1980's by United Reef on Baird returned assay values of over 5.5 oz/ton gold over 4 feet, and over 0.6 oz/ton gold over 6 feet, among others.
* The Broulan Reef property is located in the Bruce Channel area in the heart of the Red Lake gold mining district.
* Both of the Gold Eagle Mines and Premier Gold properties have had significant discoveries made since 2005 in sedimentary rocks of the Bruce Channel and are the subject of ongoing exploration and delineation drilling.
* Skyharbour Resources Ltd. has earned a 61% interest in the Heyson Property. Skyharbour intersected zones of gold mineralization while drilling the eastern half the till anomaly. Hole 3 encountered a high-grade gold intercept (visible gold) of 59.4 g/t over 0.4 metres. This intercept occurs in veining in a highly altered zone of fracturing and brecciation in the upper part of a shallow dipping diorite body.
* The Red Lake camp is full of surprises as illustrated by the Goldcorp mine. This mine became the global prima dona of gold producers after 50 years of lackluster production.
Red Lake Gold Camp
The Red Lake Area is one of the most prolific gold regions in the world. The area hosts several gold mines, where the combined production and remaining proven resources are more than 30 million ounces of gold. Initial gold production occurred at the Howey mine in 1930, and two mines (Campbell and Red Lake) remain in operation today. The largest mines historically are Placer Dome's Campbell Mine (cumulative production and remaining resources of 13 million ounces), Goldcorp's Red Lake (10 million ounces) and Madsen mines (2.5 million ounces). Goldcorp's Red Lake Mine lies immediately adjacent to Placer's Campbell Mine, which Goldcorp acquired in 2006. The deposits that were mined by Placer and Goldcorp were interpreted to be portions of the same ore body. However, the deep high-grade zone of the Red Lake Mine continues to be one of the highest-grade deposits in the world, averaging more than 2.0 ounces of gold per ton.
As a result of the proven potential of this gold camp and the continued excitement being generated by Goldcorp's Red Lake Mine, the Red Lake greenstone belt has attracted many firms, from senior producers to junior exploration companies, to stake and explore the district. Active major companies in Red Lake include Goldcorp, Placer Dome and Newmont. In addition, there are many junior exploration companies actively exploring the camp.
Skyharbour Resources Ltd. has acquired over 21,000 acres (7 properties) in the heart of the Red Lake gold camp, home to the prolific Goldcorp Red Lake and Campbell gold mines.
Skyharbour Resources Ltd. has a 24.5% interest in the Baird Property with Bayfield Ventures Corp. (24.5%) interest, and Goldcorp Inc. now owns the remaining (51%) interest. The Baird property lies in the central Red Lake gold belt, adjacent to the Claude Resources / Placer Dome property on the south, adjacent to the Goldcorp Parvus Project on the north and east, and adjacent to Placer Dome's Humlin property on the west. The Baird property is 6 km north of the Madsen Mine, and 14 km southwest of the Goldcorp Red Lake Mine.
The property lies within the highly prospective Balmer Assemblage volcanic rocks and exhibits structural and alteration systems typical of the Goldcorp Red Lake and Placer Dome Campbell mines. Drilling in the 1980's by United Reef on Baird returned assay values of over 5.5 oz/ton gold over 4 feet, and over 0.6 oz/ton gold over 6 feet, among others. These showings were the focus of Skyharbour's initial drill program. The intent was to gain a greater understanding of the geologic setting where these historical grades were present.
Skyharbour completed a 1,600 metre drill program on the Baird Property in the summer of 2002 with gold intersections of up to 0.34 oz per ton gold over 1.0 meter encountered in what is known as the North Shear Zone. The 2002 drill program also identified a potential South Shear Zone. The results from Skyharbour's 2002 drill program were the catalyst needed to convince Placer Dome to option the Baird Property and initiate a major drill program. Placer Dome funded 7,043 metres of drilling in 3 drill programs, which has identified a large fold structure, which contains the shear zones in it.
In January of 2006, Skyharbour Resources announced that the Company had entered into an agreement with a third party to acquire a 20% interest in the Broulan Reef property (claims # KRL41961 to KRL 41970) in the heart of the Red Lake gold camp of northwestern Ontario. The Broulan Reef property joint venture ownership is Skyharbour 20% interest and Cypress Development Corp. (TSX.V: CYP) owning the remaining 80% interest.
The Broulan Reef property is located in the Bruce Channel area in the heart of the Red Lake gold mining district. The acreage is comprised of 10 mineral claims (21 year renewable Leases with the Ontario Government), situated adjacent to the south of Gold Eagle Mines (TSX: GEA) Bruce Channel gold discovery, where a major successful drill program is underway, and adjacent to the west of Goldcorp's / Premier Gold Mines (TSX: PG) promising drill results on their Rahill-Bonanza property.
Both of the Gold Eagle Mines and Premier Gold properties have had significant discoveries made since 2005 in sedimentary rocks of the Bruce Channel and are the subject of ongoing exploration and delineation drilling.
The Broulan Reef property has never had any detailed exploration conducted as it is 90% overlain by the waters of the Bruce Channel of Red Lake until Skyharbour and Cypress Development acquired the ground in January 2006. Skyharbour has been aggressive in its exploration approach to the Broulan Reef property and believes the property, adjacent to and on strike to Gold Eagle Mines' major Bruce Channel gold discovery to the north, is ideally located for the potential extension of this newly developed gold zone onto its Broulan Reef ground.
Skyharbour Resources considers the Broulan Reef property to be one of the key properties in understanding the geology of the Red Lake Gold Belt. Only 2 drill holes (1962) are known to have ever been drilled on this property. The complete lack of previous exploration in the productive heart of this major gold producing area makes this property very exciting for immediate exploration.
With the drilling to date having encountered numerous gold bearing zones and with the ideal geological location of the property, the Company believes there is significant potential to warrant a deeper 2007 Phase 3 diamond drill program.
Skyharbour Resources Phase 3 deep drill program will be collared on the land portion of the Broulan Reef property and will be drilled out underneath the waters of Bruce Channel in an attempt to encounter the distinctive gold bearing horizons at depth.
After several years of intense exploration in the Red Lake area, positive results are starting to pour in. What is surprising is that three new million + ounce deposits are currently being defined. What is perhaps more surprising is that all three are within or related to the Bruce channel sediments. This group of rocks had been actively avoided as a prospective gold host for many decades.
The Red Lake camp is full of surprises as illustrated by the Goldcorp mine. This mine became the global prima dona of gold producers after 50 years of lackluster production. The Bruce channel sediments are turning out to be another one of those surprises.
Skyharbour Resources Ltd. has a 20% interest in the 5,100-acre McKenzie Island Property with Cypress Development Corp. (80%). This property is located to the west and adjacent to Gold Eagle Mines Ltd. (TSX: GEA) property. The McKenzie Island property is on strike with the Goldcorp Red Lake and Campbell mines seven kilometres to the east.
There is an extensive and ongoing diamond drill program adjacent to the east on the 1,800 acres Gold Eagle Mines property, which continues to develop a significant gold resource (See their news releases). The Western Discovery Zone (See their news releases) that has now been established by Gold Eagle mines is situated on a strike length of over 1 kilometre in a east -- west direction and has a width of 350 metres from north to south. The Skyharbour Resources / Cypress Development joint venture is of the opinion that there is potential for the extension of the Western Discovery Zone onto the McKenzie Island property.
Drill testing of 2 prospective target areas on the eastern portion of the Skyharbour's McKenzie Island claim group, adjacent to the Gold Eagle Mine property, were completed in the winter of 2006. Three diamond drill holes were completed in areas where a significant angular unconformity is projected. This unconformity appears to exert a strong regional influence on gold deposition including past gold produced from the McKenzie Red Lake Gold Mine and the Gold Eagle Mine east of the Skyharbour / Cypress Development property. The geologic corridor flanking this known unconformity is considered to be very prospective for gold deposition in the Red Lake gold camp.
Skyharbour Resources Ltd. has a 70% interest in the Sidace Lake Property with Consolidated Abaddon Resources Inc. holding the remaining 30%.
Skyharbour's Sidace Lake Property is situated on approximately 3,600 acres. As well, Skyharbour owns 100% of the Black Bear North Property (approximately 2400 acres).
These two large claim blocks are to the southwest and northeast, respectively, of Planet Explorations' discovery zone that is currently under option to Goldcorp. They are located to the northeast of East Bay where Wolfden is drilling on its East Bay Property. Recent discovery holes by Planet have focused intense scrutiny on this area over the past few months. Skyharbour believes that the Planet discovery attests to a potential large mineralizing system with affinities to other similar deposit types in the Canadian Achaean, including the giant Hemlo deposit in Northwest, Ontario. The location of Skyharbour's properties lay on strike with the structural features that are known to run through this new discovery zone.
To date, Skyharbour has added several more claim blocks to this land package and has completed an initial phase of exploration. This included mapping/prospecting, soil sampling, till sampling, overburden drilling, and interpretation of existing geophysics.
A 2004 winter drill program consisting of 4,750 feet has also been completed. This was successful in establishing a trend of mafic volcanics on to the east side of the Sidace Lake property. The identification of this mafic volcanic suite of rock type is significant, as these mafic volcanics are believed to be the strike extension of the geological sequence hosting the gold discovery on the adjoining Goldcorp/Planet Exploration property to the west. Skyharbour completed a Phase 2 drill program on its Sidace Lake property in the fall of 2004.
Skyharbour Resources Ltd. has earned a 61% interest in the Heyson Property with MPH Ventures Corp. holding (39%). The property lies in the southern portion of the central Red Lake gold belt, 5 km south of the Goldcorp's Red Lake and Campbell gold mines. Prior to Skyharbour optioning the property there was very little reliable historical information available on the property. Whatever was available was difficult to substantiate. It was decided that a property scale till sampling survey should be undertaken to identify areas on the property that might host significant gold deposits. The Company identified a large, well-defined "gold-in-till" anomaly (Sully Creek Till Anomaly) on the property. The head of the anomaly covers a width of 350 meters along a strike length of 1.5 km. Sampling indicates the source of the gold-in-till anomaly is on the property. The probable source area is low ground covered by tills and capped by lacustrine clays rendering most conventional surface exploration techniques ineffective.
Skyharbour intersected zones of gold mineralization while drilling the eastern half the till anomaly. Hole 3 encountered a high-grade gold intercept (visible gold) of 59.4 g/t over 0.4 metres. This intercept occurs in veining in a highly altered zone of fracturing and brecciation in the upper part of a shallow dipping diorite body. The alteration is approximately 15 metres thick. Hole 4 intersected 45 metres of 3% disseminated sulphides in felsic volcanics with elevated gold values throughout. Holes 3 and 4 are on strike and 700 metres apart.
Although this discovery was found in an alteration not typically associated with deposits in the Red Lake camp, the alteration assemblage is typical of a number of gold mines in the Canadian Achaean. This discovery is the result of the rigorous application, by Skyharbour, of an exploration model as opposed to a geologic model. Not only has Skyharbour found a new system in the region but we now know there is gold in the system.
As a result of the 2004 exploration drill program conducted on the property and data compilation of these results, a significant budget of continued exploration is recommended on the Heyson Project. A budget consisting of primarily diamond drilling would be undertaken to explore the full extent of the newly discovered distinct hematite-epidote alteration system that contains a very large "gold in till" anomaly on the property.
South Bay Copper-Zinc Project Claims Map, Red Lake District, Ontario
Skyharbour Resources holds a 100% interest in 3,200 acres of land that includes the former Selco South Bay copper-zinc mine. The South Bay properties are located 8 kilometres to the northeast of the successful Tribute Tribute Minerals Inc. (TSX Venture: TBM) copper-zinc exploration, and are adjacent to, and within 1,000 metres of the recent Kings Bay Gold Inc. (TSX Venture: KBG) Bobjo discovery that has demonstrated 2,943 g/t Au (86 oz/ton Gold) and 810 g/t Au (24 oz/ton Gold) in grab samples, in the Dent, Mitchell, and Agnew Townships, Red Lake District, Kenora Mining Division of northwestern Ontario.
On December 8th, 2006, the Company announced its January 2007 exploration program starting with a linecut grid beginning January 15th, with a detailed geophysical survey to commence towards to the end of January, 2007. Skyharbour Resources believes that with current geophysical survey methods allowing exploration to depths in excess of 1,000 metres, there is significant potential to identify new, highly prospective gold and base metal settings on the South Bay properties.
Rainy River Ontario
Skyharbour Resources Rainy River "D1", "D2" & "E" Gold Properties
Skyharbour Resources has acquired a 100% interest in the "D1", "D2", and "E" Claim Blocks consisting of 108 units in approximately 1,750 hectares located in the Sifton, Tait, and Pattullo Townships, Rainy River District, in northwestern Ontario. The 3 properties are well located to the immediate west and southwest of the #17, the #433, and the new ODM gold zones discovery which, as reported by Rainy River Resources, has demonstrated intercepts of 23.5 m of 10.6 g/t Au and 22.6 m of 17.0 g/t Au (See Rainy River Resources news releases: November 1st, 3rd, and 9th).
The newly acquired properties are well located within the greenstone belt that is known to host the Rainy River Resources gold deposits. The attitude of the reported gold zones is identical to a series of interpreted northwest trending faults. These faults are very evident from the regional magnetic data and crosscut the volcanic belt along a 15 kilometre strike length. The northwest trending faults served as the focus for the emplacement of a number of late diabase dikes in the area.
Skyharbour Resources is of the belief that the deposits being outlined by Rainy River Resources at this time confirm the area as a mineral camp in its infancy of exploration. The area has received a only a preliminary exploration pass and a number of potential target areas remain untested. Extensive overburden cover in the area has resulted in overburden drilling being used as a primary exploration tool.
The ground covers extensions of the greenstone belt that hosts the Rainy River Resources deposits, including significant gold combined with base metals. These feature contain many similarities found in other notable gold camps in Canada, most notably the the Bousquet area of Quebec with the currently producing LaRonde mine of Agnico Eagle. In addition to the gold-zinc-copper, a discrete copper-nickel deposit was located close by, this situation is compatible with the presence of ultramafic rocks and has similarities to several Australian deposits. This is further supported by strong airborne electromagnetic anomalies within the area, which are believed to be underlain by ultramafic rocks and may reflect conductivity associated with copper-nickel mineralization.
The Company will embark on an aggressive mineral exploration program on its newly acquired ground at the beginning of 2007. A detailed overburden drill program will be undertaken, and grids are to be established immediately, to be able to conduct detailed ground geophysics as a lead into a drill program in the winter of 2007.