Monte Christo drill program now fast-trackedI had a nice chat today with Tony Taylor. The drill plans, targets, and rig(s) are being further expedited now that it is clear that Tony will have the necessary funds for an aggressive drill program. He explained again how he is looking for and planning to drill more potential oreshoots (or what could be called pods) of gold mineralization similar to what was found already at Monte Christo, in a formation of hopefully a dozen more such oreshoots stretching over a 11KM area, all of which together would prove his hypothesized geological model that he has found another Comstock Lode type gold district in Nevada. Considering that the necessary drilling will be much shallower as compared to the Maclean pit where a 69,000 ounce gold resource has already been confirmed, the drilling should get more "bang for the buck" per meter drilled. I am pleased that with the private placement now approaching the maximum $1.25 million limit and set to close in a matter of days, Tony will be able to really do what he wants to do and substantially test the geological model. With a gold resource in just one location already confirmed, and substantial similarities in geological signature between Monte Christo and the Comstock Lode, I can extrapolate that there really is a lot more gold at Monte Christo, and it is just a matter of time before Tony finds it.