What history tells usFor people who are diversified investors in both high quality stocks and also some high risk ventures, history tells us when the sentiment is really negative (like several really rude and low quality posters), buying gets better all the time.
People who study the science, talk with management on subjects that are proper and legal in this environment and have the capacity to live with something that, even if it doesn't work out, will still have a very rewarding experience buying the stock at these levels. Many of the holders of this stock don't need the big hit at $60, $100 et al. They will be happy with a staged buyout. If buyers were looking at this stock at $30 six months ago, the company is substantially more valuable today then it was then. Reason tells us that $30 is reasonable again, as an early staged initial milestone payment. Money later on can take forms in valuable potential cash equivalents such as warrants, notes et al.
My heart goes out to those people with a basis over $25.00 but then nobody forced you to buy. Stocks like this usually pay off for the early discovers of this stock, people who got in a $1.00, $2.00 et al
As for me I'll continue to pick the fruit as the prices go lower and increase the amount each time in proportion to the price. This stock has NEVER had any bad press as far as results on their testing.
Any reasonable non-vitriolic comments?