the numbers are all from the june 30th qit is very possible that the dramatic drop in every u3o8 and for that matter all resources stocks was because of pnp selling to cover margin calls--That 158 million is huge and selling to raise that kind of money could easily control a markets downside.
if you consider only the uraniums--most are prices when uranium was around 40/lb--total disconnect
assume also that pnp owns many of these situation at very low prices and even selling them during the past month or so yields big profits.
there is only 1 month left in the 3rd q so all the rest is history-
keep in mind if they had big problems we would have heard about it already--------with out a doubt
this fund has so much stuff if the resources stock return to vogue pnp will surely shine--
don't when pnp was 15 buy when 4 --the herd is always wrong