It is quite interesting.....reading the posts here respecting the awaited resource estimate. Buckshot25 has done a great job of outlining what may well be very accurate numbers, both on the 'inferred' numbers coming now and what may be established later at 16+ million ozs. Thanks for sharing your hard work with us Buckshot25!
My experiences over the years are that when such high numbers are expected as stated here over and over, i.e. between 10-15 mm ozs, the actual numbers have usually(but not always) have been lesser, and if that occurs here, say <10mm oz. of inferred, there could be another buying opportunity for us. Hard to believe that anybody could be disappointed at say 8 or 9 mmoz, but if one expected something considerably higher, they could react accordingly, as in selling the news. Given the spectacular drill numbers that have consistently come out for FDN, I have no reason to not believe that Buck's numbers will be fairly accurate ulitmately. If the numbers come out at 10mm or greater, we could reasonably expect a TO offer to be made sooner than later and there could be a fierce bidding war immediately thereafter. We need only one offer to get the bidding underway. I cannot see the majors holding back on a takeover due to the geokpolitical risks, because most believe strongly that gold will advance in price significantly in the next year to two and waiting to grab this huge deposit later will only cost them a whole lot more. All my comments are naturally jmvho.
My expectations for the initial resource calculation are 8.5 mm oz inferred, and for an initial take out offer of $14/share. I will probably be wrong on both counts, as I am somewhat conservative in nature. My guesswork is based solely on intuition and past experience, not on any mathematical formulations and calculations such as the work done by Buckshot.
Very exciting times ahead for ARU shareholders.