Pos4sure,Escort1238,Trust nobody!!!!!!
It must hurt to live your lifes.It will damage your health,you will loose your friends and turn into a alcoholics or worse.you wont be able to look into the mirror and shave.Your kids will hate you.Your wife will leave you.Your mothers will disown you and abandon you.Your fathers will be embarrassed to be seen with you.Change your job before it is too late.Become a Buddist or join your local church and confess,it will feel so good and your health will come back.Do it before it is too late.Hell is right here on earth and you are living in it,get out while you can.Your mother will be so proud of you.Professional bashing is as low as a human can sink down there with Pimps, murderers,George Bush,Dick Cheney,child molesters,mother rapers,Father rapers,Layers and politictons,etc.So please look what you are doing to yourselfes and quit this horrible job.This goes for all you other Bashers on this board too.I will pray for you on Sunday when i go to church.Aru will be the greatest and it will make many people wealthy.But we must be strong.Dont panic,dont panic, dont panic and dont give your shares to the dark side.Dont give up and if you give up dont give in and if you give in dont give up!!!!!!!!!!