to northern -eh ?I was one of those traders who bought PNP above $10.(5500 shr`s @ $10.43)I have followed this stock for 2 yrs upon JD`s recommendations.I have bought and sold this stock several times.I am curious about your comment should have done our DD.Can you please explain what I could have studied to alert me to this major downtrend in the last 3 to 4 weeks.What was the trigger.I realise this stock along with many uraniums have dropped the last 4 months however in july it made a straight drop.The sub prime triggerd the major sell off and many investors world wide got blindsided and paniced.Investors/hedge funds all selling to cover etc etc etc.What further DD could I have done to alert me to get out of this stock prior to july.I would appreciate your comments as I am always eager to learn.