mistaken identityRocks as you declare you are not fritz I must insist I am for sure fytyr so you got it wrong again.As for me being a white knight thanks again for the complement.You well know that the orginal backers of Aspen told us they were going to make this and Westchester into BIG companies.When WSR desided to move on did THE BOARD OF ASPEN go after them for money owed? Are you positive that Aspen will get another 100 wells on Daly or is it they said they would drill up to 100 more wells.I know you based your expection of success on historical records of wells discovered in Manitoba but the past is no guarantee of success in the future.All I am saying is when and if this stock gets anywhere drop it like a hot potatoe take your money and run.I have said I will buy more when I know more and that info nI do not expect to get from these forums but by watchful waiting and ceasing the oppurtunity just like the rest of you are hoping to do.By the way Rocks how do you like MUS chances this year.