RE: Geologist point of view.... SheepBaaaYou said:
"The plays I like are GML, ECU, PLE, ODX, CNU, EXM and UC. Any one of these, IMO, dwarfs NOT as a long-term prospect."
Was that Freudian slip my wooly friend? If X dwarfs Y, then X is less than Y. Your statement in effect says that NOT's long term prospects are much better than any of the other comanies you mention... Just the kind of promotion I like. Good man... errr, sheep.
I any case, like just about all geologists, you do not have a clue when it comes to mining and mine engineering. There is nothing about WL that precludes it from being an open pit deposit, particularly since much of the high grade mineralization occurs near surface.
Furthermore, even if they are unable to nail down the structure of the mineralization at WL with the understanding they will gain about the geology by going underground to get a larger cross-section than what is available from a drillcore, it is possible that they could conduct enough drilling to determine that there is enough gold at WL to justify a large open pit taking in all of the known zones.
Your statement: "The fact that it is in solid rock would generally mean extraction via shaft mining.", could not be further off the mark, and belies either your lack of knowledge, or your amateur bashing strategies. Stick to what you know my fiend, and get ready to for our roast on a beach in the Caribbean... You are a the main cours.... guest of honour.