I like fruit cakeThe purpose of a forum is to generate interest in a Company and over the last month I have managed to raise this one from the dead.Those who are mind bound trying to figure who is this one or that one what the heck those it matter? If ideas are expressed people can and will give valuable input such as rocks fritz and even fyrftr they all have their place. Whats the important thing to happen for all shareholders? the price should recover specially after a major meltdown like we were having. I will stand by my statement NOBODY at this time can say for sure this will be a successful venture who knows what amount of water contamination is still underground,perhaps if someone called the Company and asked for a published update we might have some worthwhile information.By the way fyrftr spelling is not a prerequsit to post on any board so as if you think it is follow your own suggestions.Yes I did leave school at an early age but when I got to this country I did return to night school and did very well in all my endouvers in life.If in fact you are a fireman which I do not believe for one second then I would assume life has delt you a good hand to. People stocks are speculative and you will be wrong 90% of the time BUT IF YOU STAy with it the last 10@ will pull you up. FYRFTR people like Rocks and fritz will for believe you and I are one and the same but the only thing we seem to have in common is I too cheer for the LEAFS.My favorite sport is soccer and that is why I asked Rocks what he thought of the chances of Manu this year.Good luck to all even the long and the short as we need you all.