RE: Big Demand for Shares Bid vs AsksI bought before that. I think 15.7% should be considered to be an unconfirmed rumor until further notice. When Belmont and Montoro start reporting drill core assays of 12+% then we can revisit the discussion.
My real question is management's ability to execute. I don't think these guys are a bunch of penny stock promoters. But I also think that there is a long long long road ahead before there is any tangible asset value to these shares. They have diluted the f-ck out of their best claim, although it doesn't show in the public float of Belmont.
I think there are much better buys in the uranium sector, but none under .20 that I've seen. With regard to their best claim which I believe is the Uranium City area, their neighbor appears to have significantly better property and is two years ahead in proving out ounces.