Dines - my understandingI recieved the TDL friday night and have read twice.He states that if you sold your uraniums NOW is the time to buy"immediately"I noticed 3 or more times he mentioned to buy uranium stocks now.
He recommended buying PNP because it holds several of the smaller Jr uraniums.
My take on his reply to sell some of PNP was in answer to someones question as to how long should one hold on to PNP with the share price down.He said you should hold on to your shares and sell when they become overpriced one day,however if you don`t feel comfortable with this because you hold such a large position then sell SOME to reach your comfort zone.Then hold on to the rest of your shares.
In summary my take is that PNP is a buy.He recommends PNP as a buy.He recommends buying all uraniums NOW before the next leg up.
I have been a TDL`er for over 2 yrs and I feel this latest TDL really encourages investors to buy NOW and take advantage of this great buying opportunity.
SOME people will read into his recommendations and comments the way they want them to read and thus will post here that he said to BUY or SELL which ever favours their investment position.I read into this latest TDL as a buying opportunity.And yes,this favours my investment position.