re busted At least now I can defend myself from slanderous remarks made by my miss taken accusers Rocksinthe head and squarehead fritz thanks by the way for getting my history which only goes to prove that I didnot use aliass yes I did have 6 names which contratery to your mistaken thinking were never used to conseal anything all the names are derived one from the other Leeds my signoff name stand alone Mixup then ontmixitup then ontmixitup3 were created and used only on the boards I post on. With regards to these guys are so sly they used incomplete sentances or took my words out of context to generrate a lie and had the gall to refere to me as a liar. aaaaarocksarehard and fritz are for sure one and and with two stockhouse accounts.They also had the nerve to try to discredit me and Agard by telling the boards we are the same person they are so paranoid they lumped us together with other posters who took a differant few of the situations. It is hard to defend your credability against stupidly studborn people like rocksarehard and fritz. These guys also suggested I reported them to stockhouse and arranged to have their posts removed by them .Stockhouse will only remove posts if they are not written in good taste. Leeds