"Dr. Cruz Quips..........From N Y C ! ! #3 "
Dr. Cruz......"Our drug (AZD-103) is able to do two things, one is prevent the binding of free Amyloid to existing aggregates, but it is also capable of breaking down these aggregates. If you add our molecule to Amyloid Fibrils that look like this, you can dissolve them."
Dr. Cruz........."We have done an in-depth characterization of how much AZD-103 we need to acheive in the brain to break down Amyloid aggregates of various sizes. If you put Aggregated Amyloid from monomers to very large aggregates on an Infinity Column and you look at the Binding Affinity you see almost an exponential Increase in Infinity and it then seems to Plateau when you get to very large aggregates. This is very much what you see in the brain, you see a sygmoidal* increase in Amyloid-Beta presumably reflecting the changes in these Fibrils in the brain as well.....When we add our compound at concentrations that we think, Umm, are lower than what we can acheive in the brain or that we've seen in the brain of Humans WE CAN BREAK DOWN THESE AGGREGATES COMPLETELY."
Completely...............GPP All!!