RE: bring down the price..........RITI
It is lousy looking MD but thats how them boys play Riti. They dont come to the party early by any means. I've been doing very well trading the spread that once in a while slips through the Computerized Alogrithmic Based Bid/Ask a few houses are using. Iv'e seen a few people get burned as well putting Market Orders on the Ask that cancel out the computers bids after a couple hundred shares or whatever they have it set at and thus......... drops the price.
I have seen it work the opposite way as well thus......spiking the price.
Today saw the weak hands falling for the games up here. Not down south today! Nope. I don't think they traded even a 1000 shares.
Someone at RBC looked like they wanted to churn their account today up here and they probably could have set their Ask higher so I assume they lack in the level2 dept. Thats costing the end.
All IMO of course Riti.........LOL!!
GPP to you.