RE: Leerink Swann Analyst knows his Stuff Man!!
There is an aside to all this ......the addition of Analyst William Tanner Ph.D. from Leerink Swann.
Leerink Swann Targets Transition @ $21 ---OutPerform
Leerink Swann Analyst William Tanner, Ph. D. – Managing Director, Biotechnology
William Tanner joined Leerinck Swann & Company in 2002 as Head of the Biotechnology Equity Research group. Dr. Tanner was previously with SG Cowen Securities Corp., where he served as Managing Director and Biotechnology Analyst. Before joining SG Cowen, he served as Biotechnology Analyst at the former Vector Securities Internationale and at Principal Financial Securities. Prior to his positions in equity research, Dr. Tanner was a Research Associate at Washington University School of Medicine's Centre for Immunology and Department of Pathology. Dr. Tanner received his MBA from the Olin School of Business at Washington University and his Ph.D. in Physiology from Texas A&M University. Dr. Tanner did his post-doctorate work at Monsanto Co. in the department of Molecular Genetics and Mammalian Biology. He was a recipient of the National Research Service Award from the National Institutes of Health and received a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation."
Anyways back to that aside.........Recall the webcast from the Leerink Swann & Company/MEDACorp Diabetes Roundtable Conference held earlier this year in New York City with Seven 'By Invitation Only' Participating Companies.
William Tanner PhD was the Moderator of that RoundTable and if you recall at the end of Transitions Presentation he asked some 4 or 5 poignant, direct and insightful questions of Dr. Cruz essentially putting him on the Hot-Seat.
Just from the in-depth questions he asked you can tell this guy knows his stuff. Diabetes anyways. Absolutely.
He actually ended up adding tremendously to the presentation......Thanks Bill!!
Further to the answers Dr. Cruz gave....... he could only reply with what Results Transition was hoping for because, of course, at that time the Trial was ongoing.(Phasella E1-INT) and from his answers, you can tell that the E1-INT Results we got were what Dr. Cruz had hoped for and EVEN BETTER for the HbA1c Levels and increase in insulin production!!! Thats Significant.
This Bill guy, as Dr. Cruz calls him, has a PostDoctoral Fellowship @ The Juvenile Diabetes Foundation!! JDRF is our partner for G1 and GLP1.....they love this technology and have supported it from its infancy in a Petri Dish all the way up to NOW Proven Efficacy in Humans. Proof of Concept. Amazing Parallels to the animal Studys!! Six Month sustained effect after a 4 week Treatment. Thats pretty HUGE!!
First of Two G1 Trials just started 4 days ago. Second starts right after with results expected quickly. This guy knows his stuff and when we get the INT Platform Partnered he'll then be able to Unlock the Value of it going forward knowing the Big Pharma Money is there to advance it through the later stage Development and thus reducing Transitions Risk............of course again keeping with Transitions Business Model.
I'll say it again "Goes a long ways when you're connected.......small world really."
GPP all & Cheers!!!!!
Need the link to that Webcast? I'll inbox it. The link on Transitions Website for it only links to "This Webcast is no longer available." Kinda nice as well to be able to put a face to whom you are talking to should you decide to call Bill up to discuss Transition Therapeutics.