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Taconite Harbor Energy Center reborn
Peter Passi Duluth News Tribune
Published Monday, October 08, 2007
Minnesota Power hosted an open house at the Taconite Harbor Energy Center on Friday not only to mark the facility’s 50th birthday but to celebrate its rebirth.
The Duluth-based utility company is pouring $54 million into the 225-megawatt coal-fired plant in hopes of slashing its emissions and prolonging its life.
“If not for Taconite Harbor, we would really be scrambling to meet the needs of PolyMet and Mesabi Nugget,” said McMillan, referring to two East Range projects now in the works. PolyMet Mining Corp. aims to mine and exploit a variety of metals found in the region’s copper-nickel formations. And Mesabi Nugget proposes to process low-grade iron ore, turning it into iron-rich nuggets for the steel industry’s minimills.
Allete bought the power plant — along with 60 miles of transmission line — from Cleveland-Cliffs Inc., paying $50 million for the idle facility. The plant was built to support Erie Mining Co.’s neighboring operations, later acquired by LTV Steel Mining Co. When LTV shut down in 2001, the power plant was mothballed until Minnesota Power restarted the facility the following year.