GREY:CIMVF - Post by User
Post by
Barrheadon Oct 09, 2007 5:13pm
Post# 13543501
oK-oK-oKO - Kerfluffel
O - Kepowed
O - Kazoonked
Whatever suits your fancy or bait. OK so who is doing all the dumping to finance whatever again or pay off their new vehicle or even buy a diamond ring?
Did the share price ever get hammered back down today with over a million shares flooding the market. Maybe it will be better when the first hole is drilled or sooner when the "New?" Stockhouse will be up and running, if we switch over to Investor Village.
What a nightmare this is turning out to be again this week....sheesh!
Maybe Runar 1910, don't tempt them next time.
Regardzzz...............Klobbered & Shish Kabobed