Int''l Speculator refreshes Silver Wheaton buyHello everyone,
Int'l Speculator refreshes Silver Wheaton buy
2007-10-16 20:32 ET - In the News
The International Speculator, in its Oct. 1, 2007, issue, refreshes its buy of Silver Wheaton Corp. at $13.87, officially, "Accumulate." The newsletter said buy four times between Feb. 1, 2005, and July 2, 2007, at prices ranging from $3.18 to $12.59. An investment of $1,000 each time is worth a most gratifying $7,518. The Speculator's writer does not spend any time dealing with Silver Wheaton's recent news. Instead, he sticks to familiar Silver Wheaton generalities -- it is an "excellent proxy for owning silver" -- and going over the company's business model (paying upfront for non-core silver production from third parties and selling it on the spot market). "There's not much to add to the story; it works," he says. The writer also notes that it will probably take a doubling of silver prices to double Silver Wheaton's price. Still, he argues, Silver Wheaton is one of the least risky stocks in his portfolio. Back up the truck if the price sags to $10.