BTL layered Intrusion-Market cap 6.5 mil
-oustanding shares 15.3 mil
-insiders own 40%
-3 mil raised in light of recent abcp debacle. The story must warrant some value if they're parting with cash.
-CEO- Trusler, 39 years experience, strong PGE focus.
-First Nations issues workable.
-PTX controls 17 km of the BTL layered mafic ultramafic intrusion. Not to shabby.
-Identified chromitite reefs, PGE's really like hanging out near chromite.
- 8.3 g/t platinum hit over 2.3 m. Did Inco drill right through a platinum reef?
- 17,000 ft of core drilled by Inco, to be relogged and tested for PGE's
- Model driven drill ready targets, 7,000 m planned.
I'd say this is one of the better specs with large upside potential. They have more information and positive indicators going for them than most companies.
JMO- Be Well