GREY:CLLZF - Post by User
Post by
watch4iton Oct 25, 2007 12:29pm
Post# 13687992
Stelmach can''t win so Royalty is going up.
Stelmach can''t win so Royalty is going up.Stelmach is in a no win situation. If he raises Royalties in a comprimise he will alienate Alberta Voters. All Albertan's know our Oil is being exploited by US companies and consumption. No Albertan will see him re elected. If he doesn't raise Royalties the same things happens.
Now if he raises Royalties in opposition to the Big Oil companies he will isolate only a few voters. Big Oil cut jobs and such over a year ago. Further cuts will happen regardless. These voters will move back home, out of province. No votes lost.
So a smart poilitician would raise the Royalty without comprimise. Then use the extra revenue to buy votes. Build hospitals that were blown up by Klien. Add money to health care. Pave roads and build infrastructure. Big oil isn't building these for Albertans. So yes slap the maximum taxes you can. Put 20% increase immediately and in a year or so add another 10% Royalty increase after elections. Then you will have Alberta Royalty on par with other areas of the world.
If Stelmach doesn't slap max. royalty then he stands a good chance of not being elected in...a weak leader and coward.