GREY:CLLZF - Post by User
Post by
watch4iton Oct 30, 2007 12:29am
Post# 13714665
Q3 losses will drive Cll stock down...
Q3 losses will drive Cll stock down...Share dilution before the Q3 will drive the share prices lower as profits are way down. Cost over run on budget. Next is share dilution for Pod1 expansions and then Pod2 developement that takes 2 years for a small return. Full royalties will be in affect then.
Can anyones say low share price....
Bitumen prices lower $40-45.00 or less...Oil isn't bitumen and $93.00 Oil is along ways from 93.00 bitumen...
5 months before production of POd1 will be known...full production takes time to acheive with steam. Starting at about 300 BB/D to 200BB per well = 3000 Barrels of Bitumen per day as other SAGD have started at.. Mr. G expects max. to be 7500 Barrels of Bitumen per day. Not Oil...only $40-45 per barrel with high production costs yet to be calculated. Could be very little if any profits for a few years out of POD1.
Can we say stock prices running down....