News..or non-newsIt's funny, but the news releases from yrb never seem to get me excited about owning this stock or make me want to buy more... It seems year after year goes by and we never hear anything about resource estimates. I mean what is all this stuff in the release, why don't we hear "we drilled so many holes and we estimate we have x million ozs of gold" this is how other co's news releases go. What does this mean.
- Detailed structural mapping of the entire 12 km-long property and ground geophysical surveys to follow extensions of the known carbonate and flow ore at Astoria and the
- carbonate ore at Augmitto, and to determine the nature of the structural flexure of the CLLB on the Company's property;
It seems this co is king of evaluation and little projects, but they never seem to put out anything that get's people excited.
- Assessing the Company's land to identify a suitable site for permitting and construction of a mill, in the event that results warrant such work, and; - Does this mean we have a mine, what else do we need a mill for? If so then why don't we have a resource estimate, what's the time frame for startup? I get so frustrated owning this stock when other gold stocks are shooting up all around us and I sit on the one for years, and why? because I'm convinced that as soon as I sell, there will be some good news. I wish I sold 2 years ago. I see news releases like today's and I've just got to shake my head. Why don't they tell us if they finished the de-watering? If so then what did they find down there? They always seem busy with these little projects, but where are the results?