Not newsNoront News
Noront drills 4.00 m of 19.37 g/t Au at Windfall Lake
2007-11-05 18:45 ET - News Release
Mr. Richard Nemis reports
Noront Resources Ltd. has released results of four additional significant diamond drill intersections from two deep holes recently completed on the company's Windfall Lake project, situated in Urban township in the Abitibi region of Quebec.
NOT-07-152 (1,465 metres west, 414 metres north, azimuth 165 degrees, dip minus 65 degrees) is a deep hole that passes more than 100 m below previously known mineralization. The intersections confirm that mineralization has a substantial down-dip dimension.
From To Interval Gold
m m m ft g/t oz/ton
486.00 488.40 2.40 7.9 8.29 0.24
502.00 504.00 2.00 6.6 10.80 0.32
Hole NOT-07-157 (1,310 m west, 234 m north, azimuth 340 degrees, dip minus 70 degrees) reported three separate mineralized intervals.
From To Interval Gold
m m m ft g/t oz/ton
244.35 248.00 3.65 12.0 4.65 0.14
255.00 259.00 4.00 13.1 19.37 0.56
300.00 302.00 2.00 6.6 16.12 0.47
This hole was designed to provide additional detail of another previously discovered zone with a view to generating a resource estimate.
The true width of these intersections has not yet been established.
The company's previous news in Stockwatch, dated Nov. 1, 2007, contains an error in reporting the second interval in NOT-07-150 that should read from 38.40 m to 41.10 m (not 46.10 m), interval 2.70 m. In addition, in the paragraph describing NOT-07-150, the interval not submitted for analysis should read 34.29 (not 33.29 m) to 38.40 m.
Assay samples are taken from (NQ) drill core sawed in half with one-half packaged and delivered to the Bourlamaque Assay Laboratory located in Val d'Or, Que., for analysis. The remaining half core is stored in a secure location for future reference or further testing. The initial gold assay method comprises a 30-gram fire assay charge with an atomic-absorption finish for which the upper detection limit of this method is 10 parts per million. Samples reporting greater than two grams per tonne gold are reassayed in duplicate using aliquots of the original pulp and of an additional split of the coarse rejects. The reassay method comprises a 30-gram fire assay charge followed by a gravimetric finish.
Noront designates samples in batches of 20. Each batch includes a certified standard, blanks (currently silica gel) and duplicates that are inserted at random at a rate of about one of each per batch. Duplicate samples are prepared by quartering a sample interval and submitting the quarters under separate tag numbers. The assay laboratory also reports its internal standards, and blanks and duplicates. The Bourlamaque Assay Lab holds a certificate of laboratory proficiency for the analysis of gold issued under the proficiency testing program for mineral analysis laboratories, which is administered by Canmet.
Gold assays are reported to the company in parts per million and reported publicly by the company in grams per tonne (one part per million equals one gram per tonne). Conversion to ounces per ton on the tables employs a factor of 34.2857 grams per tonne equalling one troy ounce per short ton and core width of significant zones is also given in feet (1.0 metre equals 3.28 feet).
One of the qualified persons responsible for overseeing and reviewing the technical data on the Windfall Lake project is Patrick Chance, PEng. The technical information prepared for disclosure in this Noront news release has been approved by Mr. Chance.
The current diamond drill program using two diamond drills is being completed in an orderly fashion as determined by the company's geological team, including Tracy A