RANT InvestorlineI tool a break from trading for about a year and thought about moving my money to Etrade. I was on a frequent traders plan at 9.95 in the past. Whenever I placed an other they always used to be bundled, but apparently under this new 9.95 plan they are not. I found that out by being charged $80 for 8 trades thay I placed on the same day, buying the same stock. I called the CS to complain, but I was almost immediatelly "assured" thet they never used to bundle they trades and only after like half an hour later after going through my account the manager called ANA was finally convinced that I was correct.... but no apology... no "can we do something for you".... no nothing.....
I am sorry to say that the customer service in Canada has gone down the toilet when they employ inept people like that.
Where should I move my money?