RE: ApologyI agree - energy is 100% political, anyone who has followed the Brits and US involvement in Arabia going back to the big oil companies in the 1920s right to today's conflicts would understand that. It amuses me that RossA would label anyone who expressed concern over the environment over on Investor Village would LABEL thtem as enviro nutcase. (I really do have presto10 reserved, by the way) Did I not say that CNQ was my very first investment?. Is PBG not a key holding? Yes. Do I want PBG to succeed? You don't know how much I do.
I could label anyone who disagrees with me as a REDNECK? NO - I don't think that as all, labels can often be ignorant and besides I certainly do NOT feel that way at all. As per my article if we live in this society and have CONCERNS for our kids' world vis a vis the envrinoment and we say nothing, then we are ALL hypocrites to some extent. Join the club. If you really have NO concerns over the Earth's limits in terms of people and its ability to handle are the shi we are dumping it, then I would suggest that perhaps it is your attitude that we are infallible and don't tell me that I'm the arrogant one??!!!!. Think about that almight gopbg. During Remembrance day many references are made to people who know about a certain subject and who did not raise a peep, on the other hand.
My point is simply this: PLEASE DO NOT PUMP PBG AND TELL ME HOW FRIENDLY WE ARE TO THE ENVIRONMENT. Even the IEA, the ENERGY ADVOCATES published a paper saying that we must increase the price of carbon based fuels to stop global warming! Don't hold your breath. Gopbg is a hothead and anyone who interrupts his opinion or threatens his financial welfare is called stupid. Maybe he doesn't have kids, I don't know. That's my final word on this go around.