Is Flexenstein the shorter??Ok, Flex, so are you the person who is trying to short the stock?
It would kind of make sense. You joined SH a month ago, have only posted to one other stock (only one post), then joined the board here on Nov 23, and since then have made 18 posts. I won't go through them in detail, but suffice to say, most of your posts have included elements of ignorance, arrogance and negativity.
When you have received an intelligent response from someone who has generously taken the time to educate you, you have ignored/discounted it or moved onto some other negative point.
You have dug back through every news item, trying to find disconnects, and waving them in our faces.
Yesterday, when the stock was moving up nicely, your post was way off base. So then I checked, and yep, someone's trying to short the stock.
You seem to fit most of the criteria listed by Stockhouse as a scammer, albeit in a more negative fashion.
The readers on this board are a fairly savvy group of investors. Might I suggest that you come clean and tell us why you are discounting this stock and staying on this board? Tell us why we should believe that you are NOT the shorter????