Elan ''Peeks'' at Data from P2 Blinded Trial
From Elans Q3/07 Earnings Call.......helps to understand how they have the Phaselll proceeding whilst the Blinded Phasell is ongoing. Recall Dr. Cruz said that it would take Signs of Efficacy during one of these 'Interim Peeks' to enable Transition to do this as well.
Elan....."I think that wraps up our Q&A session. I would like to thank everybody for their participation. I would reiterate since many of the questions focused on the Phase III design and we are in a quite unique situation where the Phase II is ongoing and its blinded a very small group of people from Wyeth and Elan had an interim look at the Phase II, and obviously that opportunity allowed us to very, very specifically design a Phase III that as large indicator will be shared with investigators in the coming weeks and we would hope to get first patient dosed in North America towards the end of this year or very early part of next year."
GPP All......