RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: DIOS will also lead in ur"Myself and others can do our own investments"
Okay there Maurice, an Investment? Surely you are joker, a smoker, a midnite toker? This is pure grade A speculation bottom of the quality totem pole no discovery jr, a poker game at best. Herbacious and all the other know it alls are share miles a head of you and waiting to unload big time[check out his history]...AND they're reducing there cost ave on all their megapathetic pimping the past months. NOTHING HERE BUT conjectures and free shares to DUMP. Happy Festivus Clowns! btw tomorrow DOS moves up because of association to RSC and DIT's move... so get ready for TG's over the top repugnant pumps, he should be good for at least 5 comments on wednesday LOL