XS TECH. Market PotentialThe takeover of EnviroTrac(the private co. started in 1995) by XS TECH. (XST) opens opportinities for funding,growth through contacts, acquisitions, joint ventures,etc. The need for vehicle and asset tracking is in its infancy and their is amply opportunity for XST and other cos. in this field.XST started in 1995 and provides the total package-design,hardware,software,GPS tracking,monitoring which lends itself to a wide range of applications.The monitoring aspect has substantial revenue potential as it is comparable to a home security system once installed a monthly fee comes into effect. XST has a number of contacts valued in the millions of dollars and management is working on other deals. The fact that XST provides a turnkey operation is an advantage in a tech. of this type. The market for this type of proprietary technology is large and going public by XST is very timely.Some other cos. in this area are: Centraxx-recently had asuccessful demontstration in the U.S.Symbol CNXX,Q. CNXX trades at $9.50U.S. and has 18million shares
Rankin TECH.(BMG.A,V)-has some contracts but not as many as XST
Cel-Locq(CLQ)-trades at $34.00 a share and has some contracts
CSY,T -recently had a few annoucements and trades in the $7-$9 range
This is only some info htat serves to illustrate the potential of this market and the possibility of joint ventures, mergers , etc.