RE: So what happens todaytickle1st wrote: "But doing the math, I don't know how they come up with proceeds of $5,093,711. I get $4,630,886. Creative accounting I suppose."
Creative accounting?? You're blowing hot air again, Tickle. Instead, take a deep breath and then plug in the Q3-07 $US/$CAD ratio and you'll find that the Ric/Pat financial people have the correct figures.
tickle1st wrote: "how can it not be worthwhile looking at paying off whatever we need to payoff to get to 45% ownership of the mine asap?"
And what makes you think the Pat guys haven't looked at their financing options?? Are you really so distrustful of them.... and yet you choose to invest in Pat (and in UMJ)?? Or is this still all about scoring brownie points with your fired pal Kirk??
tickle1st wrote "Or maybe at least buy a spare scoop"
Ric is the operator. Phone them and tell them how to do their jobs.