2008 for ASDThe reality for those who like to look at life without the rose colored glasses is, in Feb of 07 the company did a .50 financing with a 1 year warrant (full)that expires Feb. of 08. The financing was for a total, (broker units included) of 16 million units. Now most people would realize that at that point breaking .75 would be an extraordinary task. But, the company in it's wisdom, decided to make that task even more challenging by doing another financing for 5.7 million units at .35 with a half warrant @ .50. That offering comes to the market as of Feb 15.
So the reality is there are 21.7 new shares hanging out there come Feb/08 with a truck load of warrants that if ASD performs as usual will not be exercised because they are under water, and just think of the kind of volumes they would need to accomplish that feat IF they did actually want to have the .75 warrants exercised. Good luck with that!
Other than that Happy New Year!