RE: cee - undervaluedOn the contrary, the Share Price is as relevant as the market capitalization. The latter is afterall a function of the share price really. Bottom-line, the Share Price tells us whether we are over paying for a a particular share. When we compare the Share Prices of CEE,DGC and ARU vis-a-vis the Notional Value of the Resource ounces as outlined by the three respective companies on a per share basis, the following figures show clearly that CEE is the cheapest of the three stocks. Here are the figures : CEE resource value per share is 9.6 times its current share price, DGC 12.5 times, and ARU, 10.4 times. On top of this consideration is also the question of cost effectiveness - i.e. which company will be able to produce gold at the lowest cost per ounce - a factor that will increase the return to shareholder value.