Retransmission of my Nov. 30 /07 post.Pelly Bay Region
-Amaruk consists of 22 kimberlites, 17 of which will have 2007 drill results released any day, with over 500 more targets to be tested (1 at 6.5 ha & 1 at 7.5 ha) on a 2,000,000 acre property. Of the 5 diamondiferous pipes discovered in 2006, 2 are in excess of 3 hectares. (100% DDN).
-Ualliq has numerous targets based on geophysics completed this year over the 1,100,000 acre property. (70% DDN & 30% SAZ)
Franklin Region (Home of Indicator Minerals & Teck Cominco,s 692,494 acre Darby Project)
-Siku was to have targets drill tested over the 455,000 acre property this year. The Franklin Kimberlite field ia anticipated to extend onto Siku. (50% DDN & 50% ADD)
-Sakari project has 42,000 acres, bordering Siku and Darby, of prospective ground. (50% DDN & 50% SRM)
Slave Province
-Hepburn scheduled to have the remaining 70% of a 1,500,000 acre property flown for airborne geophysics. (100% DDN)
Banks Island project is 1,100,000 acres in size with scheduled airborne geophysics on remaining 90%. A 12-14 ha drill target has been identified. (100% DDN)
Victoria Island project has 39 known kimberlites of which 31 are diamondiferous. The King Eider kimberlite possibly contains 4-5 million tonnes with a grade of 1.6 ct/t. (100% DDN)
**Ekati consits of 150 known kimberlities on 850,000 acres with 8 of these known pipes presently being mined.
**Diamonds North is a dynamic exploration team focused on strategically advancing diamond opportunities and is determined to discover Canada's next diamond mine.
These are the facts, I'll leave the pumping to the pumper's, and the math to you...
In my opnion "this stock is underpriced and spring loaded for takeoff".