RE: From Ric''''s perspective.gldblv
I'm willing to lay off for a while. But as far as I'm concerned, my posts are not the company bent but how the market sees Pat. IO'm being proved right by the market place.
Like it or not like it, IMHO, I might be a shareholder, but I think I speak for those that are not shareholders and the reasons they are not willing to buy Pat.
I just don't think management...or the Patsie should think things are hunkie dorie because RS/CC says they...because they're not.
My offer is out there. The Patsieis can agree to it or not. I'll uphold my end if they uphold their end. A truce on all fronts. I give this managmenent 6 months from now and no excuses why they failed. If the Patsies pi$$ me off posting stupid stuff, I'll be back. I Have tonnes of time to post here.
If Pat gets to that 1.10, I will personally call RS. CC and apologize for my lack of faith in them to be able to create shareholder value. ?That does not say much for them because the IG has gotten do much better since that $1.10 "offer". A buck ten and i'll make that call. Even though RS promised to meet regarding those 4 million shares voted against him at the AGM and didn't meet, I will for go that and call Pat.
I think that is more than fair. I'm waiting for an answer from the patsies...all of them.
If not, I'm ready to post on...and on...and on...and on.....