This company simply continues executing...
Unlike 99% of the uranium plays out there these days, URE is actually a legitimate near term producer that simply continues executing its game plan to perfection.
These results are MUCH higher than I expected - and if indicative of the rest of the ore body, the economics of our project have GREATLY improved ---> likely low $20s/lb production costs.
Granted, URE's deposits aren't the biggest or the highest grade, but they are certainly respectable and URE should be entering production at a time when market prices are still VERY strong.
U.S. listing is just icing on an already attractive cake - they don't need the cash, but the increased visability will certainly help us shareholders, particularly as it will become more accessible to institutions.
Of uranium plays able to purchased on the U.S. Big Boards, Cameco, URRE, and DNN are the only current producers... but not for much longer.
UEC and CXZ are crap - URE will gain a lot of interest from U.S. investors who are afraid of the pinks because it is the real deal.
Future brighter and brighter for URE - keep it up management!!!