Great discussion, many thanks to contributorsGood points, great information, fine conversaation, thank you all...I am currently of the feeling that things are going to change so much in the next two years that speculations that far out are increasingly risky...What happens if the US markets fall 20%, any speculative interest in SST will evaporate...Unfortunately, I'm beginning to think there is more downside risk in the general markets than upside potential...All stocks, good and bad, get sucked down together.
Miners are not following the metals to new highs...The place to be is in the metals for my money not the derivative leveraged stocks...
Planning to reduce....for possible reentry I suspect as much as 50% lower...The US markets fall 20% from here, I don't suspect they'll be much of a bid for speculations with silver streams 2 years or more out...Timing for a big gain doesn't seem right here...Just in case I'm wrong, and that's a good possibility, I'll keep a small position...along with one in Capstone.
Thanks you again for the contributions to the discussion. We are obviously not over bought as the talk is civil....