Unbelievable!With all that they supposeldly have going on their sales are a measly $400 K? What are they doing, giving their batteries away?
Their disclaimer includes a muddled statement that basically says they don't owe you, the investor, any eplanation after they make the grandiose announcements or am I mistaken? I think I am right. No followup on NASA deal, the only significant deal they had in my books and even with all that, they still could not manage a tiny little profit.
Now what do most companies due with shrinking funds? They cut back on expenses and increase what leads to more sales. That would be "M A R K E T I N G" gets more moula and CEO and others, less of those unearned perks.
Oh no, let's increase R & D on god knows what, battery powered toilets scrubbers? Nice to have R&D if you can actually sell something or make some money on licensing fees or something? I mean, the equivalent would be this: Paint your house continuously with the idea of selling it someday when you are done. The only problem is the word "continuously" which kind of precludes ever making a sale. The point is why would I buy your "best in the world battery" if you are researching and selling the "best in the world battery" which will not be because you are still working on producing the real "best in the world battery" .....ad infinitum.
GET IT SANKY? Because if you don't you sure might give the impression that the only "investor" that is doing well is you.