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Sol Strategies Inc C.HODL

Alternate Symbol(s):  CYFRF

Sol Strategies Inc. is a Canadian company focused on blockchain investments. The Company is engaged in the development of the blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystem through its activities in the private equity and financial markets and its support for related technology innovation. Through its investments, the Company offers its shareholders exposure to Solana through its direct investing and staking activities. It makes strategic investments in the Solana ecosystem and participates in staking its SOL, thereby supporting the Solana network. It operates a validator node, responsible for verifying transactions and producing new blocks, which requires significant SOL staking. By staking SOL and running the validator, it earns rewards in additional SOL tokens based on its validators performance and the total amount staked. By staking Solana and investing in Solana-based projects and infrastructure, the Company seeks to benefit from the growth of Solana and its other investments.

CSE:HODL - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by TomyHHon Feb 19, 2008 6:35pm
Post# 14395459

Khan Operating Cost

Khan Operating CostI found different values for the operating cost. Is there a mistake in the Annual report ? Can somebody explain what the correct operating cost is ? Would be interesting to know how Khan compares with other uranium producers or juniors. In the Annual report from Jan 22 2008 (see it says "The average cost of production is $49.21 per lb U3O8, based on estimated Life-of-Mine Operating Costs from 2008 to 2027. The current long-term price is $95 per lb U3O8." From the company presentation (January 2008) "The operating cost is US$49.21 per tonne or US$19.99 per lb U3O8"
Bullboard Posts