Also positivie... similar, but good still...It seems to me, ( and I'm no that many average Yemenis aren't aware of the wealth beneath their soil or water?... Projects on minerals and oil by the Yemen Geo. Survey are mostly in relation to limestone, cement factories, or some new water desalination plant. All these things are essential in opening up Yemen to further International Investment and are literally lifesaving to some villages in need of basic services like electricity and potable water for the people, many of whom will be employees of our mine or mine(s)... I surely hope that Chuck, Peter, Newmont, and / or BHP (mere speculation!) consider these things when developing any type of feasibility plan...The people of Yemen have suffered greatly through years of terrible war and neglect, so let's hope that when WE prosper like Puff Daddy on pay-day, that our driller's carrying 200lb manual drills through the rugged terrain on get a big fat bonus for trusting the eccentric, stammering, dude from Canada who may not know his past history for genius genius as we do!... Sorry for the rant, but a long week of studies and a few Stellas can do that to a fella. Best of luck Eerybody, Cheers, and go Chuck go!!!