bnnif you want to see it scroll down to small caps towards the end. Very strong buy. Most important is Suton said :
1. They are excited
2. $0.60 in 12 to 18 months
3. 0.02 this year 0.04 next year
4. used dirt dirt cheep when describing the price
5. the best in field and will sweep court rooms globally that are 200 years behind.
6. and in my mind most important . In the pipe line they will be swamped with quotes.
well worth listening to.
This the second big indorsement and with possible high margins as posted on the board it looks very good indeed.
I told my brother about it and he is in the field and in has a position now.
the volume is a sign that this is for real.
hind site is 20/20 where was I when it was at $0.06
I did buy at 0.22
good luck to all.