Lol...Shawshank - you rode your Khan Resources turd from above $5.00 down well below $2.00 - so you're not in a position to gloat you fool....
CUE will have an NI 43-101 resource estimate released within the next few weeks.
When it is released, one of us will be proven right, the other wrong... I've certainly placed my bet. Been accumulating CUE anywere I can under $1.50... Still have some open bids in now too...
Cameco knew what they were getting into with CUE, and paid $1.80 per share and above... 20-25+ million pounds of respectable grade, ISL amenable, red-tape free uranium.
Market valuing it at less than $2.00 per pound... Cameco will likely end up paying CUE $9/lb. and financing most of the development. If there are 25 million pounds at Yuty, CUE could have 10 million pounds of its own, unhedged production to sell. Could be worth ~$1,000,000,000 U.S. on top of the ~$135,000,000 U.S. that Cameco may end up paying them. CUE market cap currently just ~$30-$40 million Canadian.
Speculative? Heck yes - there could be nothing at Yuty and this could go to $0.00
But Yuty could also be the jackpot I believe it to be - grades and thicknesses VERY similar to Kazahki deposits currently being developed by Cameco and Uranium One with production costs in the teens per pound, if not lower. Cue could very well move as high as $15-$20 within 5 years.
I like those odds.