EFL nominated top GREEN enterprise!
Green in business acumen.
Green as in mold growing on the accountant's calculations of profits.
Green as the colour of the envy while other companies sign CONTRACTS.
Green as the colour of that which swirls in a white bowl when flushed- or investors hard earned cash
Green with nausea is the colour of investors watching management play Monopoly with investor's real money( that's right Sanky, not YOUR money but it is the INVESTOR"S money)
Green is the colour of investors who would find good deals in the carbon, polution pumping, cash gouging petroleum industry who make profits but some have shares in EFL price range and cheaper.
Ya know what? I want to make money from investments and if that means supporting making Canada a tropical paradise so be it. In my private life I am the exact opposite and will be buying a real PLUG IN vehicle when Toyota comes out with one and not one that challenges a 100 year old seniors walker!