GREY:CIMVF - Post by User
Comment by
Barrheadon Feb 29, 2008 3:02pm
Post# 14575628
RE: If this merger
RE: If this mergergoose94: It is my understanding that Steve has repeatedly indicated that there would be no roll back. Unless Steve moves out of his present position, there would be no roll back as he has mentioned that CIVC enjoys the liquity of CQV.
The merger itself can head off in two different trains of thought, and already mentioned we have went from 100 now to 500 million shares, and the other what we have gained as a result of this merger. With possible plays now in three different Provinces, it lowers the risk ratio if one of them lets say for an example decides to change the drilling or royalty structure.
There is a lot more pressure to see Shoal Point succeed, and with the drilling bit probably ready to make contact with the ground elevation. The only disadvantage that I see with this merger is that I hope that global warming doesn't raise the water level 5-10 meters, otherwise we will have an off shore well and it will need a whole bunch more jewlellery on that well head.
IMO it is about time that SPE and CIVC joined forces at the hip, and now we can collectively fire out of the double barrels. I just wonder who showed up at this weddding with the white double barrel, especially on Leap Year? Me thinks SPE was the bride, as CIVC has a TSX listing and SPE was the one that proposed this merger.