This and ThatHello all,
I hope your Sunday evening is going well, mine is out in Victoria, British Columbia.
I have a couple observations I would like to share with you all. I am long on ENG, bought 20,000 shares in the Private Placement in April and although I have not yet excercised my option on the 20,000 warrants at 90 cents, that is obviously in the cards. Since that point I have picked up an additional 60,000 shares and I am in at an overall average of about $1.07. I have not sold a share as of yet. My son has picked up 14,000 shares and has an average of about $1.15 and I have told two friends who have each picked up 4,000 shares at $1.35. We are all long and have not sold a share.
I follow this board as well as the $ENG however that board has gone quiet probably due to the fact that DV has not yet arrived on site. When it does - and it definately will - I am sure that that board will break loose, albeit, with alot more quality infomation that this one currently displays.
For a while I thought it was funny reading, "You are stupid", "No, you are stupider", "No you are the stupidest of all of the stupid" and quite frankly, that has run it's course and is getting old.
I would love to see valuable information on this forum. We are all here to make money, that is what makes us all tick. Some think that the best way is to go long, include me in that group. Others feel that it is best to trade the stock on a daily or weekly basis and that is fine as well. The key is if the stock goes up, no matter what your method is you will find success and make money.
I believe we will get the news we are all looking for and the stock will blow through the $4. mark almost immediately. There is no other option. It is being held down a bit by the delays however delays mean nothing. If we could make 30% on a stock in 12 months we would all be telling our friends how smart we are and we have all made more than this already. There is alot left on the table and upon the release we will once again see a great jump.
I feel it is dangerous to be sitting on the sidelines at this point, asleep at the switch, but to each his own. I certainly do not feel one is "Stupid, stupider, or stupidest." Perhaps I am the moron for not yet selling a share however time will tell if I will have a much bigger smile than the one I currently hold.
Alright then, let's drop the disrespect and the tom foolery. Let's fasten our seatbelts and get ready for the next week or two.
OH...............and the Congo is out there lurking!!!!
GL and Good Investing to all.
Zeee from the Left Coast.