New analyst recommendationI n t e r v e n t i o n a l
A n a l y s i s . c o m
© M i c h a e l B o l s e r , L L C
Commentary Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Platinum Group Metals [PLG]
Recent weakness can be attributed
to the expiration of 1.4 million
warrants and in no way reflects on
the opportunity.
I have one phrase to match the
current PLG weakness: Buy as
much as you can as fast as you can.
Examine the largest players and
especially their % holdings. These
are strong hands if there ever were
such things.
This isn’t manipulation because
there’s no extant Pt bullion storage OR
derivatives with which to operate a scam.
There is only an asset declaration event
waiting in the wings as soon as the bankable
feasibility study is released and that’s
within a month or so. (Courtesy CNBC
- Michael Bolser,