NewsAmerix Reports the Discovery of New Gold Zones and Refines the Ouro Roxo Gold Resource Model
08:00 EDT Wednesday, March 26, 2008
FSC / Press Release
Amerix Reports the Discovery of New Gold Zones and Refines the Ouro Roxo Gold Resource Model
Toronto, Ontario CANADA, March 26, 2008 /FSC/ - Amerix PreciousMetals Corp. (APM - TSX Venture, NJG - FWB), ("Amerix") today reportsadditional results of its recently completed drilling program in theOuro Roxo mining prospect in the Vila Porto Rico (VPR) ExplorationLicenses in the Tapaj?s Gold Province in Brazil. Thirty-eight new holeswere drilled and approximately 5800 metres of core were recovered.Assays have been reported already for eight of these holes (newsrelease of 12/12/2007). New assays are now available for 16 additionalholes; 12 in the Ouro Roxo North gold-bearing zones and 4 in Ouro RoxoMiddle. Highlights from the new drilling results include 4 meters of14.4 g/t gold in hole AORN-60 and 1.1 meters of 37.38 g/t gold within a11.65 meter interval grading 4.28 g/t gold in hole AORN-85.
Including the drilling by RTZ in the late 1990's, Amerix now has 115drill holes over the +3.5-km long Ouro Roxo area for review. As aresult of the extensive database the Company's technical team isworking to re-define the geological model for the area. From this work,it is now believed that the gold mineralization is hosted in numerousen echelon ore zones and/or lenses along the +3.5-km long north-southtrending Ouro Roxo shear zone. Each of the gold zones generally trendsnortheast and dips to the southeast. All of the past drilling wasdirected to the west which is now considered not the optimal drillingdirection. This new model provides a more reasonable structuralinterpretation and greatly enhances the resource potential of the OuroRoxo Gold prospect.
To test this new structural model, seven holes were drilled(AORN-83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88 and 89) in a northwest direction in thearea of extensive surface gold workings. Results from the drillingconfirm multiple gold-bearing zones with values up to 37.38 g/t goldover intervals of 1.1 meters in the 30- to 70-m thick saprolite cover.Several of these drill holes (AORN 83, 84, 87, and 88) did not reachtheir target depth because the drill intersected old garimpeiroworkings and circulation was lost. (It should be understood that basedon earlier results from many garimpeiro workings, these workings weremost likely following very high grade gold veins with grades as high as475g/t as reported in Amerix news release of 25/06/2007.)
Drilling several hundred meters north of above mentioned holesconfirm the existence of more separate high-grade gold zones with theOuro Roxo North area. Drill hole AORN-60 collared almost 400 metersnorth of AORN-85 intersected 4 meters of 14.4g/t gold. Drill holesAORN-56, 62 and 64 located in the same area of AORN-60 may nowrepresent a new high-grade northeast trending gold zone. AORN-64, asreported in the news release of 12/12/2007, has an intercept of 10.2g/t gold over 10.7 meters. Furthermore AORN-68 collared approximately190 meters north of AORN-64 intersected 3 meters of 7.81 g/t gold. Byapplying the new structural interpretation, the mineralized zones inAORN-68 represents another new discovery.
To expedite the quantification of the Ouro Roxo gold resource, aclosely spaced mechanized and hand auger drill program is underway andwill be expanded to encompass much of the VPR area. The initial handauger program will consist of several hundred closely spaced one meterhand auger holes designed to locate and define the surface expressionof the known gold zones. These zones will be followed up by mechanizedauger drilling capable to drill to depths of 30 meters. It is thecompany's intention to include the mechanized auger drill samples inthe overall gold resource at Ouro Roxo. The company believes that handand mechanized auger drilling is most efficient and cost effectiveexploration method in this type of terrain. In addition, a topographicsurvey of the entire VPR area is in progress.
The following table presents significant gold intercept assay data for these 16 holes.
Hole # From To Interval Au g/t Zone
AORM-57 70.30 71.31 1.01 12.08 Ouro Roxo Middle
96.00 97.00 1.00 3.73
AORN-60 9.00 13.00 4.00 14.43 Ouro Roxo North
AORM-63 20.60 22.90 2.30 1.80 Ouro Roxo Middle
53.30 54.50 1.20 3.67
AORN-65 117.00 124.00 7.00 1.14 Ouro Roxo North
149.00 150.00 1.00 3.00
192.80 194.10 1.30 1.41
AORM-67 97.00 99.00 2.00 6.00 Ouro Roxo Middle
AORN-68 18.28 19.81 1.53 1.33
88.50 89.65 1.15 1.81
111.50 114.50 3.00 7.81
148.00 149.00 1.00 1.31
AORN-81 173.51 174.63 1.12 1.11 Ouro Roxo North
AORN-82 6.00 8.00 2.00 3.33 Ouro Roxo North
37.00 40.50 3.50 0.72
50.75 51.95 1.20 5.01
97.50 101.50 4.00 1.30
116.20 117.24 1.04 23.23
AORN-83 22.20 23.30 1.10 1.31 Ouro Roxo North
31.00 32.00 1.00 11.35
35.00 36.00 1.00 1.90
38.00 42.00 4.00 1.05
Hole terminated at 42 meters short of target depth due to intersection
of old workings
AORN-84 27.00 28.00 1.00 3.38 Ouro Roxo North
37.00 40.55 3.55 6.55
Hole terminated at 40.55 meters short of target depth due intersection
of old workings
AORN-85 28.40 29.50 1.10 0.91 Ouro Roxo North
45.22 56.90 11.65 4.28
includes 50.20 51.30 1.10 37.38
AORN-86 Hole abandoned at 10 meters Ouro Roxo North
AORN-87 15.90 17.00 1.10 8.55 Ouro Roxo North
31.70 32.91 1.21 10.43
44.00 46.00 2.00 5.91
Hole terminated at 47 meters short of target depth due intersection of
old workings
AORN-88 25.10 26.20 1.10 2.01 Ouro Roxo North
41.00 43.00 2.00 7.81
Hole terminated at 44 meters short of target depth due intersection of
old workings
AORN-89 18.50 19.56 1.06 0.83 Ouro Roxo North
41.20 45.70 4.50 4.79
Management's Discussion and Analysis : The Vila Porto Rico Property(VPR) contains 570 square kilometres of mining rights (100% APM),located in the Tapaj?s District, one of the largest gold producingprovinces in Brazil. VPR contains extensive hydraulic mining areas,placer mining operations, and mine shafts, from which garimpeiros haveproduced an estimated +2 million ounces since 1958. Gold occurs withinthe N-S trending Ouro Roxo shear zone, which is 1-2 kilometres wide,and has been traced along a strike length of more than 25 kilometres.Gold-bearing zones are present in a variety of structures, but the bestgold values have been found within faults, shears, and brecciated zonesthat dip moderately to the east and southeast. The Ouro Roxo area is+3.5 kilometre long segment of this structural zone. In 2006 theCompany and SRK Consultants prepared a NI 43-101 Assessment Reportwhich identified an inferred gold resource of 1.336 Mt @ 5.8 g/t for250,000 oz Au. This resource was based on 27 drill holes from two smallareas at Ouro Roxo North and Ouro Roxo South, which are separated bymore than two kilometres of strike length. These two areas have nowbeen enlarged and connected by the 116 drill holes totalling more than17,383 metres and additional auger drilling. This exploration hasdemonstrated that the Ouro Roxo structure is one continuous featurehaving a multitude of gold-bearing ore shoots within the east-dippingshear zone
QA/QC: The drilling operations were conducted by GEOSOL and Kluaneunder the direct guidance and supervision of Amerix geologists andmanagement. Both companies are well-established and have worked withAmerix in the past. All cores were split and described at the Amerixcamps near the drill sites. Chemical analyses were performed by SGSLakefield/Geosol of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, an ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO9002 certified assayer. A quality control program of standards, blanksand duplicates is maintained.
About Amerix Precious Metals Corporation
Amerix Precious Metals Corporation is an Ontario company exploringfor precious metals in Brazil. Amerix's objective is to create valuefor shareholders through expansion of bedrock gold resources, anddevelopment of placer and tailings gold resources. Brazil has enormousgold potential and is a proven mining-friendly country. Amerix staffhas more than 50 years of combined experience in Brazil, and theCompany has been active for more than 10 years. The Corporation'sshares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "APM" and atthe Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol "NJG."
The technical and scientific information has been reviewed by Dr.Lawrence W. Snee, Amerix's senior consulting geologist, a geologistwith more than 30 years of geologic experience throughout the World anda Qualified Person as described in NI 43-101. Some of the statements inthis news release contain forward-looking information, which involvesinherent risk and uncertainty affecting the business of Amerix PreciousMetals Corp. It is uncertain if further exploration will result indiscovery of an economic mineral resource on any of the properties.Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipatedin such statements.
For further information, please contact:
Amerix Precious Metals Corporation
Jeffrey Reeder, CEO and President
Phone: 647-302-3290
Jenny So, Broker Relations Specialist
CHF Investor Relations
Phone: 416-868-1079, Ext .225
Tom Berner
Berner Information
Phone: 416-324-8322, Ext. 202
Marlies E. Studer
Studer Consulting
Phone: +41 44 215 28 03
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